董事会 of Prosfessional Responsibility and Office of Disciplinary Counsel

Office of Disciplinary Counsel


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To file a complaint, fill out an electronic or PDF form below.


You may print the complaint form to complete, sign and mail directly to ODC along with any relevant documents.

For 常见问题 related to the complaint process, 点击这里.

Filing a complaint against an attorney is a serious matter. Do so only as a last resort when all efforts to work out the problem with your attorney have failed.

You may write your own statement in lieu of filling out a form. Your statement should clearly include your name, address, 电话号码, and the details of your complaint. 支持文档, such as copies of a retainer agreement, 付款证明, correspondence between you and the attorney, the case name and number if a specific case is involved, and copies of documents filed in connection with the case, will be useful to our investigation.

Sign and date the complaint form or written statement, attach any relevant documents you have, 并通过电子邮件发送给 (电子邮件保护), fax to 202-638-0862, or mail to:

Office of Disciplinary Counsel
District of Columbia Court of Appeals

Disciplinary Counsel may not publicly disclose that the complaint has been filed. 的 D.C. 规则 of Professional Conduct requires the Disciplinary Counsel to treat complaints as confidential matters until the attorney has been served with a petition instituting formal charges or has agreed to be formally disciplined.

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